Humanities Program Signature Initiatives

Signature Initiatives
The Humanities Program organizes a wide range of extracurricular initiatives to support friendship and intellectual fellowship among the Providence College students, faculty, campus community, and beyond. These initiatives include regular Humanities Forum events, our annual Veritas Conference, leadership development opportunities, Lunches in Ray, and much more. We invite all members of our campus community to join us as we strive to build a genuine community animated by a love for the true, the good, and the beautiful. Follow the links below to explore these opportunities.
Humanities Forum
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The Humanities Forum
The signature event series of the Humanities Program, the Forum hosts regular guest lectures, debates, musical performances, panel discussions and film screenings for the entire Providence College community.
Veritas Conference
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The Annual Veritas Conference
Every Spring the Providence College Humanities Program hosts the Veritas Conference, which draws world-class intellectuals to our campus to discuss some of the most pressing issues facing our world.
St. Dominic Fellowship
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The next generation of Catholic leaders
The Saint Dominic Fellowship program, open to all students, prepares the next generation of Catholic leaders through study, campus leadership, and off campus cultural immersion.
Duc In Altum
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Catholic Immersion Experiences
From Oxford, England to the Moab Desert, Utah to Krakow, Poland: through our Duc in Altum Catholic culture immersion experiences, students are invited to join us on once-in-a-lifetime journeys to places of profound spiritual, intellectual, and cultural significance.
Virtuous Education Initiative
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New collaboration with Wake Forest in support of Virtue and Leadership
This new initiative, supported by a grant from Wake Forest University, is preparing the foundation for a long-term virtue and leadership development program here at Providence College.
Mission Mini-Grants
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Supporting Exciting Initiatives Across Campus
This joint initiative of the the Office of Mission and Ministry and the Humanities Program provides support for projects that “provide our students with a life-changing experience that helps them to discover the harmony of faith and reason and that allows them to flourish intellectually, personally, and professionally.”
Lunches in Ray
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Breaking Bread Together
Lunches in Ray provides weekly swipes to Raymond Dining Hall for faculty and staff across campus in order to promote campus friendships and student engagement through shared meals.
C.S. Lewis Fellowship
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The C.S. Lewis Fellowship
at Providence College
The C.S. Lewis Fellowship exists to study and advance Lewis’ thought, inside and outside the classroom, and to cultivate friendships among those who have been inspired by his writings.
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Encouraging a Culture of Disputed Questions
Disputatio, rooted in the medieval practice of public debate, hosts disputations on campus each semester that bring together experts on either side of contentious issues facing our world.