Mission Mini-Grants Program

Mission Mini-Grants

Mission Mini-Grants

The Humanities Program and the Office of Mission and Ministry jointly offer Mission Mini-Grants to support efforts by PC students, faculty, and staff designed to help PC “provide our students with a life-changing experience that helps them to discover the harmony of faith and reason and that allows them to flourish intellectually, personally, and professionally” (PC200, Goal 1).

These grant opportunities exist to support Providence College’s Catholic and Dominican commitment “to academic excellence in pursuit of the truth, growth in virtue, and service of God and neighbor,” the Dominican mission to “preach the gospel of Jesus Christ to a new generation of students and help them discover God’s providence in their lives,” and the goals and objectives of the PC200 Strategic Plan.

This initiative is also coordinated with Providence College: Our Catholic & Dominican Mission, a text authored by the Office of Mission & Ministry that introduces and reflects on our Catholic and Dominican mission. We invite applicants to engage creatively with this text in the creation of their proposals. Especially for those who might be new to our Catholic & Dominican mission, this text is an excellent support for exploring mission engagement. Should you need a copy of the book, please reach out to Bob Pfunder, Associate Vice President for Mission and Ministry, at rpfunder@providence.edu.

All PC students, faculty, and staff are invited to apply. Priority will be given to collaborations across departments, offices, and student organizations. We also encourage efforts that involve collaboration between students, faculty, and staff. 

All Mission Mini-Grants align with one or more of three mission focus areas in support of innovative and sustainable initiatives:

  • Academic Development: Develop new mission centered academic courses, new course modules that can be integrated into pre-existing courses, or new extracurricular academic initiatives rooted in our Catholic and Dominican mission (examples include guest speakers, panel discussions, reading groups, film screenings, and artistic performances). Funds can support a variety of academic development needs, including collaborative course/event planning involving faculty, students, and staff.
  • Cultural Enrichment: Create new opportunities for integrating our Catholic and Dominican mission into our campus culture. Examples include faculty or staff development training, reading and discussion groups centered on Providence College: Our Catholic & Dominican Mission, student academic or vocational pathway programs, and feast day celebrations.
  • Community Engagement: Foster, support, and deepen mission focused connections to our local community, including our surrounding neighborhoods as well as the city of Providence and the state of Rhode Island. Examples include the creation of on and off campus partner events with non-profit organizations (including Churches) and attendance by PC community members at off campus events.

Please Note: Applicants may receive no more than one mini-grant per academic year. 

Applications will be accepted and evaluated on a rolling basis until funds are depleted. Please allow at least three weeks from date of submission until notice of decision. Final reports are due within two weeks of completion of the initiative.

Ex Corde Ecclesiae Mini-Grants

Five awards up to $2,500 each per academic year designed to support the planning and development of initiatives that engage one or more of the three areas listed above.

Examples of Ex Corde Ecclesiae Mini-Grant projects: 

  • New faculty or staff development training
  • Student academic or vocational pathway programs 
  • New academic courses
  • New annual events
  • Research projects by students, faculty, or staff

Evangelium Vitae Mini-Grants

Ten awards up to $500 each per academic year designed to support the planning and implementation of one-time initiatives that engage one or more of the three areas listed above.

Examples of Evangelium Vitae Mini-Grants: 

  • Guest lecturers
  • Cultural celebrations 
  • PC student groups/organizations attending off campus conferences 
  • Research projects by students, faculty, or staff
  • One-time campus events or off-campus partner events
Mission Mini-Grant Application Mission Mini-Grant Final Report