Major in Humanities

Maze from Providence College campus

Major in Humanities

The Humanities Major is designed for those who want a broad and interdisciplinary course of study in the liberal arts that offers rigorous preparation for making a living and the life changing opportunity to develop the wisdom needed for living well. Instead of specializing in history or theology or philosophy or literature or the arts, Humanities Majors integrate classes across the humanities and beyond into a personalized course of study that seeks a unified understanding of all that is most truly human. Students combine two years of a foreign language with a fine arts course and five electives into a highly flexible schedule easily integrated with a minor or second major. This is an ideal major for those attracted to the Development of Western Civilization Program and will impart the skills prized by every employer and cultivate the virtues needed for a life well lived.

Mosaic of a woman's face

I am human, and therefore nothing human is foreign to me.

Terence, Heauton Timorumenos

Requirements: minimum of 30 credit hours including

Foreign Language: Twelve credits, normally four 3-credit courses from one language.

Fine Arts: Three credits in addition to the core requirement, consisting of any course chosen from a variety of designated fine arts courses.

Humanities Electives: 15 elective credits from the Humanities Program or the fields of art, classics, foreign language, history, literature, music, philosophy, theater, and theology, with the possible addition of other selected courses outside of the humanities. Courses at the 200 level and above are preferred.

This flexible schedule offers every student the opportunity to integrate a wide variety of disciplines into the Humanities Major. Although electives from humanistic disciplines are preferred, they can also when appropriate be drawn from departments and programs across campus in connection with a special areas of interest. Electives are chosen in consultation with the Program Director so that they contribute to an integrated consideration of the student’s chosen theme.

Interested students should contact Dr. Jim Keating, the Director of the Humanities Program, or Dr. Raymond Hain, the Associate Director of the Humanities Program, and review the guidelines for Change of Major/Minor/Concentration.

Deeply rooted, and reaching higher.

Humanities Beyond the Classroom

The Humanities Program sponsors a wide range of extracurricular opportunities, many of which are ideal for Humanities majors.

The Humanities Forum, our signature event series happening most Friday afternoons during the semester, hosts a broad range of lectures and special events. Following the public Forum and reception, special dinners give a small group of students and faculty an opportunity to share a meal together within the context of a rich intellectual conversation.

Lunches in Ray provides opportunities for faculty to join students in Raymond Dining Hall for informal time together, the heart of all true community life.

And the Virtuous Education Initiative invites the Providence College community to reflect on character formation and leadership development through conversation in the classroom, with the entire community across campus, and in transformative experiences around the world.

See our Signature Initiatives for a complete description of these opportunities and many more.